Fun Facts about Tonkinese

Cross Eyed Tonks

Tonks are sometimes crossed eyed and can inherit this propensity from their Siamese ancestors.  It develops naturally to compensate for a genetic flaw in their eye structure, which is the same genetic trait causes the coloration of the Siamese.   

The cat's eyes are not permanently crossed - they purposely cross them to see straight...  and I see this in my one, and only, cross eyed Portia.   She is only slightly cross eyed but as I watch her focus on things, I see her eyes adjusting the cross.  Its very interesting.

Chest "Cowlick"

A naturally occurring "cowlick" on their chest often appears as a heart.


Almond shaped aqua eyes

No other breed can boast almond shaped aqua colored eyes, resulting from blue Siamese and gold Burmese eyes.  This trait is most often found in the mink patterned Tonkinese cats as shown in Felix.

Help; I sat down and can't get up!

Three of the litter, named for varieties of pumpkins as I loving refer to them en masse, have me trapped in the recliner.  This means the gr...